Tuesday, November 22, 2005

too young but too old

It started so simply, I just wanted to sign up on this high speed technololgy tornado to be able to write comments on my friend's blog, and POOF! sucked into the black hole of un-understanding. I'm too young for this to be this difficult, this figuring out of strange terms and not knowing how to do anything. But too old to let my frustration get the better of me.


At 12:40 AM, Blogger k said...

I'm very excited - because all this time, I've been trading comments with a group of friends that I stumbled across in CA. I'm an interloper on all their blogs and now, I have a friend to blog and be blogged with. I'm so excited, so very very excited to be back in communication with you...bully for you - for mounting the technology beast and taming it! kiss kiss!


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