Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Short and to the point


I'm drowning in work.

I can't get Ligia out of my head.

I'm starting a cycle of Wednsday classes tomorrow that starts at 8- which will require me to leave my house at 7 - which will require me to get out of bed at a bit before 6. Which of course means 5 something. Geesh is THAT early or what?

Students who want "this" or "that" have no idea how much work that entails for me. These days they're wanting lots and lots of "this and that".

The fuse on my windshield wipers keeps blowing. scary when it's pissing down and at night. Tonight i got lucky.
Probably should get some extra fuses then huh? oh, and a flashlight.

JD and i pretending to look for a place to buy. He wants city, i want garden. hummmm......

I'm jealous of my friend Kimberly and all that reading she does......

I'm planning on being Ava Gardner for Halloween. Yes I will look fabulous and also be wearing a "Hello my name is..." name-tag.

I did the same 2 hour class 3 times today. Safe to say the last session my brain was on auto-pilot. But they laughed at the same jokes i told two other times..... bless 'em.

Might have found a collegue to do some painting with. Mutual motivation is the key. plus i like her a lot. plus i miss painting a lot. plus she lives in the beautiful part of the Normandy countryside. yummmm, open-air easel painting!

and that be it for the moment,
I miss you all bunches,


At 4:51 AM, Blogger Dark Griffon said...

Well, for what it's worth, I really miss you too, sis!

I sure do understand about being overloaded with work, though. Just finished a micro-vacation (long weekend) with a friend, but he's gone and it's back to work!

Other stuff going on, but I won't spam the comments too much. Just know that I still think about you and do enjoy reading your blog entries. :>

At 1:09 AM, Blogger k said...

Hey sweet girl! Work sucks!! I need a new job and I FEEL your pain! Do you want me to email you my book group list - or just what I've been reading? You could read too and we could chat about it. Or I could send the circle letter for you to have something to read. hmmmmm, so many possibilities. What's going on with Ligia? Hello to her.

Pretend to buy a house with a garden just outside the city - close enough to play, far enough to be country. It's the perfect pretend place to be. I'm missing you and remembering you as Wednesday Addams for our Halloween party o so many years ago. I'm thinking of putting together Sally from A Nightmare before Christmas...but may be more effort than I can muster. I have a hot pink wig and a lady godiva wig. Maybe I'll be lazy but fabulous. Super huge hugs and sloppy kisses!

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom said...
Hello twitter! Just read your blog and it sounds like you really, really are busy. And 5:00 AM. YIPES!!!This from the sleep-till-noon girl. Who said adulthood would be neat! Tar and feather 'em.

Busy myself. Hopefully will be moving in 2 weeks into a little "cottage house" which will be loads of fun decorating.

Work marches on with oodles of people buying "bling" for the Christmas season. I love you as always. By the way, what do you hear from Ligia? She is a remarkable young woman, like yourself.


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