3 day larvae
Larva weekend – i just had an extended weekend (Monday a day off).
Wow! Three days to get stuff done & get ahead!
Bank statements to read!
Buttons to sew!
Boxes to pack!
Documents to send!
A house to clean!
Laundry & dishes to do!
A dog to take on a long walk!
Long lost friends to re-contact!
Facebook profile to update!
Life shenanigans to deal with!
None of it I tell you. None of this got done during my 3 day extended-fully larvae-esque weekend. It snowed or rained and was close to 0°C all weekend. Icky weather is not motivating. Two of the three days I didn’t even make it outside. So, here I am (naughty girl that I am – at work) getting some of this done now. Better late than never I say.
Although, I did get it together to take a shower, and watch 6 hours of BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing entire 3rd season run-through. Really how great is it to start a new show at the beginning and get all the way through it on the same day? Fabulous I say. Really, I had such a wonderful sense of accomplishment. All toasty warm in bed, big dog beautifully postured for full ease of ear and muzzle rubbing. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
I didn’t even get to the Sunday market. That’s how much I wanted to ferment in bed.
So for those of you reading this who are overworked, sorry, try to vomit with jealousy over in a corner where I can’t hear you. Thanks.
Three day weekends? Yup. Can’t recommend them highly enough.
I'll see your snow and cold weather and up you one hail storm!
P.S. I've forgotten what color wood all my furniture is because it is covered in a layer of dust. Does dust-colored count?
P.S.S. I have become a movie addict. This is perhaps the reason my house is covered in dust. Rather than keep my home clean, I watch movies. Not sure how I will go about fixing this dilema.
I'm actually starting to do okay here (Having survived a colitis flare, a bout of food poisoning, then intestinal flu, all in a row). Wow, I can actually eat again and enjoy it! That's the major event in my life right now.
Though it's still bloody cold here in Ohio. Daytime temps are around 5-10C still. Those nice 25C days can't come soon enough.
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