Sunday, December 04, 2005

mon homme

Well, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure..... friends, here is mon homme, jean-daniel. since a picture is worth a thousand words (the french don't have this expression sadly enough) i'll make it short.
among many things, thanks to him i have discovered the pleasures of breakfast in bed, portugal - whenever he speaks portugese i do that fish called wanda thing, and a latin man's ways. he is much more generous than i, much more faithful to his family than i, and takes more time in the shower in the mornings than i. and he is the first man i have ever lived with. february will be the third anniversary of us moving in together. time flies huh?


At 6:03 AM, Blogger k said...

holy crap - i can't believe you've lived together for 3 years! May will be our 4th anniversary in this house as October was our 4th wedding anniversary - it feels odd to say that...what a great photo of J-D!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger leila said...

time? what's time? a silly abstract notion that we need for constructing stories. how the hell did it go by so fast? wasn't i just wearing sneakers at your wedding?


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