Friday, March 10, 2006

a moment for frustration


i have two frustrating things going on at the moment (but in general life is still good)

1. that wifi card i ordered in Dec? yuh huh. still not here. france is quickly achieving a third world status.....
and this wouldn't bother me so much but our home computer has a really nasty un-namable problem. which leaves me from time to time un connected to the brain surging surprising world of technology.

2. i hit the diet trail (as about every spring) and i have been going strong for since the first of Feb (i've got serious will power and have been going to the gym every other day and am now starting to go about every day - i'm impressing even myself)
and i have even lost quite a bit of pudge already.
But i've hit a plateau. a fuckin plateau. this part i hate. how long am i going to stay here, like this? with my wondering mind and the rest of the pudge to go?
so off to the gym i go again today (this will be the third straight day)

So you say...Well, maybe you aren't really getting your heart rate up there? ooohhh yes i am
Well maybe you aren't drinking enough water? i go pee every hour is seems.
Well maybe you are eating while you're sleeping? not it
Well maybe the pudge really likes me and wants to stick around? i have made it abundantly clear that it's on it's way out.

so here i am dangling around, eating absurd amounts of veg and sweating profusely four and five times a week, dangling around to get off this stupid plateau.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger k said...

hi pumpkin pie - FINALLY got my internet turned back on and so here I am talking to you...check your email, my only suggestion (and this is coming from someone who for a variety of reasons hasn't been to the gym in 3 weeks) is to seriously vary your routine...cardio every time, legs one day, abs one day, arms one day. Also, you have to maintain the heart rate for a prolonged period...and that is all I can offer!

I'm impressed - 5 times a week! Oh if only I could muster the time/motivation...although, the pictures of me from Kate's wedding should be more than sufficant evidence that I am now a fat cow and it's time to use my gym membership seriously...

good luck sweetie!!!


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