Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So sick of everything being so freakin complicated


it's me.
yuh, huh. my internet access isn't working. AGAIN. i tried the various three or four things i know how to do and of course...... nothing.

i'm sick of being dependant on other people to fix my i.t. snags. and this little snich came just after (because of?) the fact that i had another problem on -get this- on April first.

here's a word of advice for those of you who were wondering how to maneuvre around the anti-virus world of protection.
If you change anti-viruses you must FIRST un-install the one you have. only AFTER can you install the other. More than one anti-virus is too much 'whatever' for a computer to handle. and apparently Norton is the most difficult in several aspects.

so the mortal mistake i made was to try to install my new one before i had taken out the old. I even de-activated it so there wouldn't be conflict.
There was conflict anyway.
An afternoon later, after being in the hands of the IT specialist at one of the schools I work at and the final conculusion? Apparently Norton AND the one I tried to install are un-removable. He emptied the files, so there is nothing in there but the computer really doesnt want to let go. nostalgia maybe;
and after, just like that! with no warning -to prepare myself mentally- my internet connection wasn't working. AGAIN.
the most frustrating part is that i'm half way there. the network display shows that i'm connected, the counter is turning, the seconds and minutes that indicate i'm "connected" are steadily rolling on.
But can i open an internet page?
oh of course not dahhhlink.

So, as the helpless-lost-in-the-forest-of-technology-princess searches for the light of day (and the portal to the window of the world - i have no internet.

i just have to ask, WHY is this so ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ complicated! i would so love to not be dependant on the magicians who touch here, click there, open and close various boxes and squares and then say
"oh it was a little scribble blabble hubsupple radoupple. so i jruggmed it, then swehommled it. and there you go!"


At 5:57 AM, Blogger k said...

I'm not being condescending, but twice this week, I was without power and when it all came back on, my internet didn't work and it turned out that I had to simply turn it off (on the computer, not the modem) and turn it back on...several hours of phone calls, unplugging, replugging, restarting, etc...and it was a simple turn it off and back on again in the computer's brain...I feel ya sista..but you might try it on yours...


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