Sunday, September 24, 2006

i've found my way into a feudal situation


well, even though we are the year 2006, i have in fact found myself in a mideval feudal situation.

I have aquaintences that have a chateau. (these are the people who wanted to have puppies with manteiga and their beautiful long haired german shepard; which didn't work) and, during the "heat" cycles and tentatives of December then August, i became quite chatty with their three girls.
The oldest Olivia is about 13, then there's Rosalie who's about 9, and then Capucine who is 7. all three are adorable enough to eat.
Yes, but they live in a Chateau (where the stone above the front door says 1763 -give or take a couple of years) and have horses, donkeys, a pair of peacocks, some chickens, a small chapel, the small guardian's house, an obscene amount of property and a couple of other small brick barns.
A chateau and everything that goes with it, in short.

Well, during the last canine fertilization tentative, i got to talking to Rosalie about vegetables, gardening and what have you. She said that they have a small vegtable garden but it has been left abandoned for a while because mom doesn't really like to garden. (Hence why they have a gardener)
I innocently ask if i can see it. and yes, it had been left abandoned long enough to let the weeds get waist high. When i first saw it i saw some bricks here and there which turned out to be a brick path down the middle.
I ask Valerie (the mom, the one who fell in love with my dog enough to ask me to pimp him out) if maybe i could pay them to use their land.
she says OK but needs to ask the man of the house (Dominic) about the details.

Off i go to the nearest hardware store to buy some heavy duty de-weeding equipement. and i de-weed. and oh gosh am i sore. so much so for two weeks that i don't even think about going to the gym. It took ages! and a lot of muscle but i did it. Nine by three meters of garden waiting to be used.
So, while i'm digging in and getting dirty, the man of the house (who is very nice) says that i don't need to pay anything, just buy my own tools and from time to time share what grows.

At first i thought great! free land! cool! because the tools weren't cheap.
then in retrospect, i see how the relationship is now rather fuzzy. what should i give? what do they expect? how freely are they going to help themselves? will they leave me alone and not judge what i'm doing? will they put in their two cents and expect me to oblige?
fuzzy is fuzzy, not exacly clear.
with the "i pay, you take my money" arrangement it's clearer.
Oh well, we'll see. they really are nice. i'm not too worried.

So yesterday i went to a fabulous nursery and bought bulbs. I planted some violet irises, two different varieties of tulip (one is dark dark violet with tinges of red at the base of the petals and the petals are a bit ruffled, and another which is soft pink with large abondant petals and a green flame shaped coloring on the base of the petals), and a red, blood red lilly.

In general i can't wait for spring but now, these are a super duper suprise! just waiting to happen.

i'll be taking photos later of my feudal plot of garden and the master's chateau. you really need to see this.

so, i have a garden, and am a feudal servant.


At 11:53 PM, Blogger k said...

stay away from really rich people - they are a strange breed and should be handled with extreme caution.

can't wait for the pics though!


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