Monday, November 28, 2005

smoking in my pool

well, this weekend i was watching educational tv and there was a program on about the dangerous-ness of cigarette smoke. On and on it went with fabulous statistics and the best part was a simple analogy.
Separating the smokers and non smokers would be like having all of them in a pool. There would be the peeing side of the pool and the non peeing side.
You get the idea.
so don't pee in my air.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

so many photos so little time, so i'll just start with one..... of my favorites. J.D. accuses me sometimes of loving Manteiga more than him....i'm still giving this one some thought....
So here's my puppy, he's three now. and unfortunately yes i'm going to gush a bit about how he is the fluffiest, funniest, cutest dog there is. His name means butter in Portugese, so incedently when we go to Portugal people look at us bizzarly when we call him.
Other random tidbits, he's afraid of plastic bags and tile floors. Get a tile floor wet and watch big dog tremble, shake, whine and panic like it's the end of the world. Our vet said he was phobic... can dogs be phobic? anyway, here's me and my pup for those of you who didn't know.
Oh and incedentally, my man is pretty cute too.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

une belle bouille

This is a picture taken by Jean-Daniel
when I followed him and his soccer team to Toulouse. It was summer, it was hot, I was surrounded by men and I was sunburnt. And I was a cheerleader in a country where cheerleaders don't exist. And yes I had fun.

too young but too old

It started so simply, I just wanted to sign up on this high speed technololgy tornado to be able to write comments on my friend's blog, and POOF! sucked into the black hole of un-understanding. I'm too young for this to be this difficult, this figuring out of strange terms and not knowing how to do anything. But too old to let my frustration get the better of me.